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孙宗锋  山东大学当代社会主义研究所研究员,政管学院教授

作者:当代社会主义研究所 来源: 发布时间:2024-03-13


入选山东大学齐鲁青年学者(2022.01-2026.12),在China Review, Land Use Policy, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Journal of Chinese Governance, Journal of Urban Planning and Development,《政治学研究》《中国行政管理》《公共管理学报》《公共行政评论》等杂志发表论文30余篇。主持国家社科基金青年项目、山东省社科基金青年项目、中国博士后基金第64批面上资助(一等)(2018年)。全国政务热线发展联盟专家委员会成员;2018年获首届夏书章公共管理优秀博士论文奖;第六届全国公共管理案例大赛最佳指导教师;华北地区首届公共管理案例大赛优秀指导教师。


2022.1 -- 至今

山东大学政治学与公共管理学院  教授

2019.9 -- 2021.12

山东大学政治学与公共管理学院  副教授

2017.7 -- 2019.8

山东大学政治学与公共管理学院  助理研究员







[1]孙宗锋. 数字政府建设的理论基础、热点议题与发展趋势.  西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),  2023.

[2]孙宗锋. 数字化协同治理的类型及其逻辑——以政务服务“跨省通办”为例.  电子政务,  2023.

[3]Yunsoo Lee  and Zongfeng Sun. Managed transparency: Chinese government transparency.  Asian Journal of Comparative Politics,

[4]Danning Zhao , Zongfeng Sun , Runan Bi  and Ben Ma. Driving Factors of Social Policy Diffusion in China: An Event History Analysis of Public Rental Hous.  Journal of Asian Public Policy,  2022.

[5]楼苏萍. To join the top and the bottom: the role of provincial governments in China's top-down policy diffus.  Journal of Chinese Governance,  2022.

[6]孙宗锋. How Does Anti-Corruption Information Affect Public Perceptions of Corruption in China.  CHINA REVIEW-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON GREATER CHINA,  22,  113-143, 2022.

[7]Qiushi Wang  and Zongfeng Sun. Geographic location, development of higher education and donations to Chinese non-public foundations.  Journal of Chinese Governance,  2021.

[8]Jintao Li  and Zongfeng Sun. Does the transfer of state-owned land-use rights promote or restrict urban development?.  Land Use Policy,  2021.

[9]Jintao Li  and Zongfeng Sun. Urban Function Orientation Based on Spatiotemporal Differences and Driving Factors of Urban Construc.  JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT,  146,  2020.

[10]Zongfeng Sun  and Jun Yang. Media Usage, Political Interest, and Citizen’s Issue attention to Government Annual Report in China.  Journal of Asian Public Policy,  1, 2020.












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